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Tai Chi Classes Nottingham
White Crane Tai Chi Tel: 07469995925 for details
White Crane Tai Chi begins with a simplified version of the Yang family style 24 Form Tai Chi. The first, beginners routine, has only 4 moves, which you can learn at your own pace - we will give you videos to help practice at home.
Your sense of vitality in life will noticeably improve, helping you to feel refreshed and strong - mentally, physically and spiritually.

Phone NOW
to book a LESSON TODAY
An Absolute Beginners 4 week Course starts on the 1st Weds of each Month at Attenborough Village Hall NG9 6AB
at 7:00 until 7:45pm, Book a Class or Course Now, to ensure a place, or simply turn up with £8 to try a class.
Our Services
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45 min
8 British poundsEnded
30 British poundsStarted Jan 8
50 British poundsLoading availability...
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Starts Feb 19
30 British poundsLoading availability...
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Starts Feb 26
50 British poundsLoading availability...
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Classes at Attenborough Village Hall NG9 6AB 7pm Wednesdays
When you chose a button to click, you will then be able to pick a time, and pay by card or paypal.
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